Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Earplugs and Headphones

Imagine yourself not being able to hear or see. What would it feel like? You would forever be living a life where you are unable to enjoy the beauty of sight and the wonders of sound. When blindfolded you can definitely imagine yourself in that position. But, it proves difficult when you can't see the things in front of you or hear what goes on. When crossing the street it would be almost impossible to know whether or not a car is coming, and you obviously wouldn't be able to hear people telling you that it's safe to cross the street. Of course, it's unsatisfying having two of your five senses missing. You would have your sense of touch, taste, and smell to guide you through your journey in life.

I can only say that I am thankful to be able to go through every day life being able to hear and see. I can imagine and pretend to know how it feels like to have certain senses missing. I don't think anyone takes into consideration how lucky they truly are to have all their senses complete. Most of the time we just run through life in a hurry, worried and concerned with our own needs. In the end, we never truly stop to appreciate the values of the fact that we are able to do and see things things that others are not fortunate enough to experience.

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