Monday, November 26, 2012

Imperfect Societies Debate Entry

I thought that the imperfect societies debate was interesting, the formulation of: ideas, rebuttals, and arguments from all societies was interesting to hear about. Although, I did have a little bit of trouble formulating thoughts for rebuttals for our society. Also, I couldn't clearly grasp some concepts that were being rebutted. All in all, the debate took me out of my comfort zone, since I'm not a usual talker.

Each society was unique in there own way, and all of them are in someway implicated into our society today (or where):

The oligarchs were those who were wealthy, the elite few who are able to rule. The oligarchs are the ones who are able to obtain education and use that education for the successful future of a society. For example, we see Oligarchs today as: Bill Gates and politicians such as Bush and Clinton.
Our group had the task of defending the oligarch society, and we used tactics such as trying to achieve the greater good for the most number of people through the use of education of the elites.

Democracy is basically giving voice to the people, which includes electing representatives to represent their society in the most suitable way. There are a lot of examples of Democracy, most commonly, the US is a democracy in which eligible citizens are allowed to vote on their representative. Although, there were fallacies with the Democratic system that came up in the debates: not everyone has the right to vote. There are illegible citizens who don't have representation of voice.

There are less examples of no tyranny type societies seen in today's world. During the 20th century there were rulers such as Hitler and Mussolini were seen as tyrannical leaders who restricted the liberties of the people they ruled. This became a problem in the in class debate-tyranny was attacked a lot over Hitler and the Holocaust.

For the Republic, there was even less representation of the society in our world today. It might be due to the society non existent nature of the Republic.

For Timarchy, there was a lot of talk about military, it relates a lot to our society because of the use of militaristic elements in our own society. Such as schools that offer military training-free education for service

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